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Application Fingerprints

Fingerprints are used for authentication between your Android Application and the Spotify service. You'll need to generate a fingerprint for your app and register it in your Dashboard.

Info:We strongly recommend that you create both a development and a production fingerprint for security reasons.

Create a Development Fingerprint

  1. Run the following command in your Terminal and add a password when required:

    # On Bash style shells
    $ keytool -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -list -v | grep SHA1
    # On Windows Powershell
    $ keytool -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore -list -v | grep SHA1

    You should receive a fingerprint that looks like this: SHA1: E7:47:B5:45:71:A9:B4:47:EA:AD:21:D7:7C:A2:8D:B4:89:1C:BF:75

  2. Copy the fingerprint and your package name and enter it in the Spotify Developer Dashboard, under the "Edit settings" section. Don't forget to click Save after you add the fingerprint.

    Android Packages

Create a Release Fingerprint

The development and production versions of your application usually have different certificates for security reasons.

  1. Run the following command in your Terminal (no password):

    # On Bash style shells
    $ keytool -alias <RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS> -keystore <RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PATH> -list -v | grep SHA1
    # On Windows Powershell
    $ keytool -alias <RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS> -keystore <RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PATH> -list -v | grep SHA1

    You should receive a fingerprint that looks like this: SHA1: E7:47:B5:45:71:A9:B4:47:EA:AD:21:D7:7C:A2:8D:B4:89:1C:BF:75

  2. Copy the fingerprint and your package name and enter it in the Spotify Developer Dashboard. Don't forget to click Save after you added the fingerprints in the dashboard.